Amachakuy Working with Protection

Amachakuy Online Course for Working with Protection February 1st to March 14th, 2024 Weekly classes are held every Thursday from 6 to 8 pm CST Register for Training Tupaq (Adolfo) Ttito Kuntur and T’ito Q’osnipa Kuntur Amachakuy: Working with Protection We have...

Unlocking the Wisdom of the Chumpi: Module 3

Welcome to the third level of training in learning “The Wisdom of the Chumpi” Preparation, connection, conduction, and conscious management of the Chumpi energies in the ritual application of the Chumpi Khuyas – Module 3″CHUMPIKHUYA KHIPU STUDIES –...

33 Sacred Teachings and Fundamental Initiations of the Inkas

NUNA ÑAN QALLARIY The 33 Sacred Teachings and Fundamental Initiations of the Inkas The entrance to the Spiritual Path of the ancestral Inka Tradition of Tawantinsuyu. Knowledge, Science, Art, Ritual, Principles and Sacred Codes of the Nuna Ñan, which lead to the...

ApuKunaWan Realm of the Apus: Series 3

Inkakunaq Yachay Wasin (The School of Inkan Ancestral Wisdom) Welcomes you with a Warm Embrace to… ApuKunaWan Classes, Realm of the Apus Series 3 There will be 7 classes in this series. Class will begin on Sunday June 20th and will conclude on August 1st....

Unlocking the Wisdom of the Chumpi: Module 2

Welcome to year two and the second level of training in learning “The Wisdom of the Chumpi” Initiation of the Chumpeq on the road of Inka Chumpikhuya Khipu Module 2 “CHUMPI KHUYAKHIPU UYWAY” Module 2 starts on Sunday August 8th, 2021 Register for Training...

Welcome to The Sacred World of the Mast’ana

Welcome to The Sacred World of the Mast’ana Course registration includes access to both Part 1 and Part 2! PART 1: MAST’ANANCHIS REQSIY Class topics, dates and time (Note: You will get access to the recordings if you cannot attend live) Tupaq (Adolfo) Ttito...

An Introduction To

The Wisdom Of The Mast’ana

Enter your details below to sign up for this sacred event

A special invitation and A Must Have Opportunity

An Introduction To

The Wisdom Of The Chumpis

Enter your details below to sign up for this sacred event

A special invitation and golden opportunity

FREE Masterclass Series:
8-Minute Body Scan Guided Meditation

(with PDF Cheat Sheet)

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